Category Archives: Jonah

Jonah 1-4, Micah 1-7

The story of God

The story of Jonah is always a compelling read; and typical of the Holy Spirit, He illuminates new thoughts each time we come to the Word with an open heart.

Reading through the ESV this year, a word stood out for the first time to me. It is used four times and due to the nature of the repetition (always something to look for in Scripture) it resonated within me. Each time it says, “The Lord appointed” something of the natural world: a great fish, a plant, a worm, and a scorching east wind. Other translations state that God “arranged for,” “provided,” or “prepared” these natural things to impact Jonah.

I relish in the characters of Scripture. Yesterday’s message from Dr. Taylor was yet another reminder of how much we can learn from the people God uses in Scripture, even when they are unnamed! Yet, the inner workings of each life are actually not their story, but God’s story. While man’s choices are involved, still God is ‘appointing’ things all along the way. It’s the mysterious balance of sovereignty and free-will.

Our tendency is to distance ourselves from the Jonahs and other characters of Scripture. They play too great a role in history for us to arrogantly consider ourselves their equal. Yet truthfully, God is still at work today – this very hour. I’m sure none of us have been swallowed by a fish, but if you stop to ponder this thought today you will probably come up with some sovereign moments in your life that God appointed, provided, arranged for, and prepared something that impacted the story He is writing in you.

Take a few minutes today to stop, reflect, and praise Him for His continued work in your life! More may be happening than you realize.

Author: Pastor Jeff