Category Archives: 2 Timothy

2 Timothy 1-4

Keeping what we have

I’m so glad you have taken this journey with us to read through God’s word and to reach daily thoughts from the staff. I pray it’s been enriching to your life—we’re not far away from Revelation as we near the end of December!

In the opening words of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, a thought emerges that is applicable to many of us. Follow the flow here:

1. Paul is reflecting upon the rich heritage of faith that Timothy has, reaching back two generations – his grandmother/mother. vs. 5

2. “For this reason” – based upon what God has blessed Timothy with there is a responsibility for him to do two things: vs. 6-7

a. fan into flame his gifts

b. be confident, not fearful in what God has for him

3. Others have imparted spiritual blessing into Timothy – most likely elders that laid hands upon him in prayer, a sort of ordination/commissioning. vs. 6

4. Paul then, returns to this thought by challenging Timothy to “guard” the good things God has deposited into his life. vs. 14

I love the Pastoral Letters of Paul. I’ve returned to them over and over again through the years as a sort of ‘true north’ to set my life compass by. It’s easy in ministry to get side tracked with so many demands and ideas that get us off center from what God has called
us to do. The same can be true of all in the church!

Gratitude for a spiritual heritage is something we appreciate more as we get older. I recognize some reading this may not have been raised in a Christian home, but realize your story is one of the greatest joys the church can experience! First-generation believers are what the church’s mission is all about! Yet, many of us reading through these opening words of 2 Timothy are much like Timothy:

• We can reflect on generations before us that passed the faith along.

• We have those who have touched our lives in significant ways.

• We need to respond to this by passionately serving the Lord.

• We need to be confident in His purposes for our lives.

• We need to guard the great heritage of faith that’s been given to us.

Let’s apply it today with a little quiet reflection before God (something I took time to do early this morning):

1. Stop and thank Him in worship for the faith passed on to you. Reflect upon that lineage however far back it goes in your life. Praise God for it.

Note: If you are a first-generation believer, then stop to think of who you want to pass your faith along to and just imagine the generations yet to come that will be effected by your spiritual legacy.

2. Stop and thank Him for people that have taught you, mentored you, pastored you, poured into you, prayed for you…it’s probably more than you remember! Reflect on Sunday School teachers from your childhood, youth leaders, pastors, friends, etc. God has sent people your way all along to nurture your spiritual life.

3. Based on what God has poured into you, offer yourself back to Him with a confidence that He has invested this into you with a hope of good return. So, think of the spiritual gifts and talents that He’s placed in you. Are you being faithful to bless others with that which He has blessed you?

4. Lastly, determine to guard all that has been placed into your life. The Enemy would have wanted to stop Timothy from fulfilling all that God had ordained for his life. The same is true of you today. So, ask God to help you guard your heritage, so that you will not only fulfill His will for your life, but that the next generation will have the same faith passed on to them.

​Author: Pastor Jeff