Revelation 17-22

Worth it all

This week is marked not only by the end of a year commencing a new one. It is also the weekend our daughter, Mikaela, will be married to Mr. Cody McKee. It has been a week of reminiscing for the usual reasons surrounding Christmas, and now adding the arrival of family for the wedding. As well, my brother- in- law in New York discovered a box of pictures from the Balsamo family and uploaded many of them on Facebook. How fun to review the past 40+ years of Carla’s family. (The abuse we have taken from our girls over the faddish looks through the years-ha!)

In two days Carla and I will celebrate 29 years of marriage. It’s hard to believe as life truly is ‘a vapor’ (James 4:14). I have often said to Carla, not with morbidity, but with utmost sincerity, “If it all ended today I’m just so thankful for the years God gave us together…it was worth it all.”

That was my sentiment as I read the final crescendo to all of history—the close of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. What great reading today! The victory is sure as both the angel (ch.19) and God Himself from His throne (ch. 21) instruct John to “write,” because these words are true. It’s true: Satan will lose eternally; we will reign and rule eternally with Christ; final judgments will take place with a firm demarcation of what is right and wrong (determining those who go into eternity with God and those who go into eternity with Satan); and there is a glorious wedding in the end of it all (chs. 19/21)! By the way, did you notice the Church is responsible to be sending out the invitations now (ch. 22:17)?!?

What a climax of events—and yet, my thought today was if none of this even took place, “it was worth it all!”  Having a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ and with the accompanying presence of the Holy Spirit is enough in this life. Believing in the ‘Thread’ of God’s redemption culminating as the greatest act of sacrificial love the world will ever know, is enough. Accepting and believing in Jesus and living for Him in this life, is enough. Knowing God’s peace through the good—and difficult times of life—is more than enough. “God with us” (Emmanuel) is enough!

Yet, our future is unbelievably glorious! Our destiny is set, thanks to the mercies and grace of our Lord. He not only wants to save us, but to enjoy His glory with us for eternity. As you embark on another year, remember the end from the beginning. Let it strengthen you in the fight of faith. But most of all, keep enjoying ‘today’ with God. It’s worth it all…

Congratulations on making it all the way through!! I trust you’ll pick right back up on Monday, January 6th as the 2014 schedule for reading will be included in that Sunday’s message outline. Between now and then, have a blessed New Year, and see you soon!

Author: Pastor Jeff

One thought on “Revelation 17-22

  1. Steve Pulis says:

    Thanks for the daily thread commentary. I appreciate the reminder for each day’s reading and the insight and impressions shared by all the pastors. Knowing I was part of a larger group reading the same thread served as ongoing encouragement.

    I’m ready for 2014

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